
Meet the Venom & Vice Team!

Welcome to Venom & Vice folks and thank you for stopping by! Meet the real life team behind the small business, as well as the friends we collaborate with to create and sell alongside.


Meet Whiskey!

I'm Whiskey, the owner and creator of Venom & Vice (Formerly Whiskey Works). I am a queer transman in my early 30's who started this business when I was out of work during the start of the pandemic. I have found myself a day job since thankfully to cover the bills so my creation times have been lengthened but I hope to be able to drop down to part-time so I can focus more on the shop as it grows. I dabble in things from leatherwork, cross-stitching and embroidery, resin, jewelry stuff, and sewing everything from just accessories to full garments and costumes. Most work done on this shop is by me, with some help from my partner - Logan!

I can also be found on social media under the name WhiskeyTeaCos (IG, TT, and Twitter) for my cosplay and personal projects.


Meet Logan!

AKA Loch and Stone Jewelry!

Logan is Whiskey's boyfriend! He helps a lot with giving input on designing, cutting out fabric for textile pieces, as well as modeling collars and helping test the long term wear and tear on pieces~. He loves crystals and has started making some jewelry pieces like beaded bracelets, necklaces, earrings, rings and more that are slowly being added to the shop! Due to the variety of his products you will find the most selection available in person at our markets.


Meet Tobi!

AKA Tobituary!

Whiskey's long time friend, the two of us have done artist alleys before in the past. Tobi is an amazing artist, and though not online frequently, we hope to share their skill with the world. They are being commissioned for various custom art, from our new Coffee Paws to mascot art, to be created into things from keychains to stickers! We may also offer some of their own work/fanart in the future as well


Meet Tebia!

AKA PastelPrinceParade!

Tebia is another friend of Whiskey's and is the skill behind the final base designs of the V&V mascots Rowdy and Buck! The second artist in the fold, Tebia's skill in more NSFW drawings will be showcased in both commissioned and personal work carried at in person shows, occasionally accompanied by the artist himself. Tebia and I worked together off the barebones base I created for the two mascot characters and he provided amazing ideas to elevate the designs and personalities of both characters.



Meet Blue!

AKA Space Coyote Crafts!

Blue is yet another friend of Whiskey's and is a master of scents! We started out selling together by offering to carry some of Blue's amazing candles at a fall event in 2023 and have been partnering together at all in person events ever since. They have an amazing ability to craft candle scent profiles relating to characters/fandoms and concepts that always fit so scarily well! And as someone who personally can't even walk by Bath and Body Works, I have never had a candle of theirs I couldn't smell (even scents I'm not find of like eucalyptus). Down the line we plan to partner and have candles crafted to match our Mascots as well.